07769 203 856
We instructed Emma Waddingham Consulting to help us with a project to create an online legal platform, which we were developing with funding from the Welsh Assembly Government. The idea was to develop a new and innovative way to deliver legal services. As lawyers, we well were out of our comfort zone - but Emma was fantastic!

Emma was our critical friend throughout the process and gave her valuable input in terms of the design and look and feel of the site. She also wrote the text of the site in a way that was really engaging to clients.

Emma was a pleasure to work, full of new ideas and thoughtful, insightful observations and we were delighted with the outcome. With Emma's help, we delivered a product that we are very proud of. We called it Gateway2Law - visit gateway2law.co.uk and see for yourself!

Emma is a recognised expert in the legal market and a truly gifted marketer. I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking to market or develop their business.

Clive Thomas

Managing Partner, Watkins & Gunn

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07769 203 856

The Maltings
East Tyndall Street
CF24 5EA